

Haleigh Swansen, 她是施赖尔荣誉bck体育官网,于2016年12月获得英语学士学位, 现在在兰开斯特的视听剧院参加了为期一年的音乐学院课程.

Credit: Penn State

MEDIA, Pa. 乍一看,英语专业的学生和戏剧专业的学生似乎没有什么共同之处. But for Haleigh Swansen, 她在宾州州立大学白兰地酒学院获得的坚实的文学基础为她走上舞台做了准备.

Swansen, 她是施赖尔荣誉bck体育官网,于2016年12月获得英语学士学位, 现在在兰开斯特的视觉和声音剧院参加为期一年的强化音乐学院课程.

视觉和声音是一个专业的基督教剧院,创作和制作基于圣经故事的原创音乐剧. The current production of "Jesus" runs until October, to be followed by "Miracle of Christmas" in November and December.

2,有000个座位的礼堂包括一个300英尺高的舞台,三面环绕着观众, 剧院的作品以使用最先进的技术和活生生的动物——骆驼而闻名, 猪, skunks and more.

视觉与听觉的音乐学院包括课堂教学和专业的舞台经验. Courses range from acting, singing, dancing and Shakespeare, to stage combat and theatrical horsemanship.

“As an English major, 我学到了很多关于阅读内容的正确方法,以及如何阅读潜台词. At Sight and Sound, I use that same process to dig into a script, 找到赋予它意义的片段,并以一种人们可以在情感上联系的方式呈现它."

— Haleigh Swansen, 2016 Penn State alumna  

Each week, 参加这个项目的10名学生每天上8-9节课,并参加类似数量的演出,其中包括周六的三场演出. They also learn about offstage aspects of the theater, shadowing members of the lighting, animal handling, tech and backstage departments.

“I grew up going to see shows at Sight and Sound, 我记得我从很小的时候就在想,这将是一个很酷的地方,” Swansen said. 但由于种种原因,大学似乎并不是我正式学习戏剧的合适时机. 我一直想用它做点什么,只是不知道什么时候做,怎么做.”

To keep her interest in the arts alive, 斯万森在bck体育官网的课程中寻找与戏剧原理的交集. 作为学士学位的一部分,她还在南卡罗来纳州的一家剧院完成了暑期实习.

“As an English major, 我学到了很多关于阅读内容的正确方法,以及如何阅读潜台词,” she said. “At Penn State, that process went into my Schreyer thesis. At Sight and Sound, I use that same process to dig into a script, 找到赋予它意义的片段,并以一种人们可以在情感上联系的方式呈现它. The research portion is similar, but the product is wildly different.”

While studying at Brandywine, 斯万森也有机会思考她的学位和信仰之间的交叉——这是最初吸引她进入《bck体育官网》的一个因素.

Haleigh Swansen at Sight and Sound Theatres

Penn State graduate Haleigh Swansen, 她是Schreyer荣誉bck体育官网,在Brandywine校区获得了英语学士学位, 目前就读于视觉与听觉剧院的音乐学院课程, 一个专业的基督教剧院,以圣经故事为基础创作和制作原创音乐剧.

“Since English asks a lot of ‘the big questions,它会迫使你思考你想要传达什么样的bck体育官网,” she said. “For me, 当我离开bck体育官网时,我确信我要用我的一生来传达圣经中的真理.”

After college, 斯万森在格伦摩尔担任小提琴老师的同时,在白兰地酒大学关系办公室做了两年半的兼职公关专家. 她还在当地的交响乐团演奏小提琴,并作为演员和乐师涉足社区剧院.

Five months into the conservatory, Swansen said the experience has been educational, 有趣的, challenging and at times surprising.

“I was surprised by just how much work an actor does — table readings, rehearsals, discussions with directors, 你花在脚上的时间——也取决于这个地方有多支持你,” she said. “The cast and crew make Sight and Sound a very welcoming environment, and I’m growing and learning because of that support.”

Jeff Bender, a writer, 视觉与听觉的制片人兼导演,音乐学院的校长, 他说,这个项目的特别之处在于,学生们有能力学习主要学科——表演, 唱歌和跳舞-同时与专业演员一起工作和出现在舞台上.

“我们的学生在接受专业培训的同时,可以参加数百场演出,” he said. “We approach the training from doing it as a pro, as opposed to a more conceptual or philosophical approach.

“我发现我们的项目吸引了像海莉这样早期就取得成就的人, who are leaders in their community, school and church, because when they come in and are on our stage, they have to be good enough so they don’t stick out,” Bender explained. “They have to be able to mesh with the pros, 但他们仍然有成长的空间,也有成为专业人士的潜力.”


“她非常聪明,非常精通,无论做什么都表现得很高,”他补充说. “She’s an absolute delight.”

本德说,完成课程后,学生有多种选择. 以前的参与者曾在Sight and Sound或其他地区剧院演出, returned to their home theater programs, served in churches or continued their education.

斯万森不确定她的下一步会是什么——她可能会参加2020年的视觉与听觉演出——但现在, she’s focused on making the most of the unique opportunity she has.

“A lot of what we do as people, even talking in daily conversations, is simply swapping stories,” said Swansen. “我在戏剧中所做的一切都是用我喜欢的东西——我们在文化上使用的东西——来讲述我的信仰故事.”
