

媒体,爸爸. — 宾州州立大学白兰地酒 students who have impacted the campus through their service 和 leadership were honored at an awards banquet on April 25. The annual leadership banquet celebrates the achievements of students who are involved with clubs, 学生会和校园项目.

生物学专业四年级学生杰西卡·戈尔(杰西卡·戈尔)获得了埃里克·a. 和约瑟芬S. 沃克奖. This award recognizes a student whose outst和ing qualities of character, 奖学金, leadership 和 citizenship have been directed into programs 和 services that have positively influenced fellow students 和 have contributed to the prestige 和 well-being of their campus 和 the University as a whole.

Gore has been involved with the Student Government Association since her first year at 白兰地酒 in 2020 和 currently serves as the group’s president. 她还参与了白兰地酒慈善马拉松, 多元文化俱乐部, 尼塔尼基督徒团契, 医学预科俱乐部, the 白兰地酒 Events 和 Activities Student Team 和 the women’s tennis team, 她还做了两年的住校助理.

One of her nominators wrote: “Jessica consistently demonstrates a commitment to our campus, 对她的学术的承诺,对我们社区的承诺. 她贡献了自己的时间, talents 和 energy to the 白兰地酒 和 Penn State communities in many ways. 白兰地酒 is fortunate to have many students who are active 和 engaged. What sets Jessica apart from most is her extraordinary level of campus involvement 和 her genuine interest in learning about 和 supporting other people, 建立有意义的联系, 质疑和拓展她自己的观点. 她的所有活动都充满活力.”

Individual leadership awards were presented to the following students who demonstrated leadership qualities 和 contributed to the campus community 和 student organizations:

  • 丹尼Eldabbas -心理学俱乐部和白兰地酒音乐协会
  • 约旦哈立德 -动漫俱乐部,pok步行,白兰地酒联盟 & 比赛和市场营销 & 交流俱乐部
  • 卡乐里斯 – Student-Athlete Advisory Council, Lion Guidez, Peer Mentor 和 Softball team

The Student Worker/Employee of the Year Award was presented to a student for doing exceptional work in his on-campus job:

  • 基督教威廉姆斯 -资讯科技实验室

The Student Organization President of the Year Award was presented to the following students for their exceptional leadership in advancing the organization’s goals:

  • 诺亚Castiel ——白兰地酒造福马拉松
  • 杰西卡·戈尔 ——白兰地酒造福马拉松

学生对公平的承诺 & 包容 Award was presented to students who highlighted their dedication to promoting equity 和 inclusion within the campus community:

  • Zhane布鲁克斯
  • Fallah " Francis " Bockarie

Group leadership awards were presented to the following student organizations that contributed to student life 和 experience on campus:

  • 白兰地酒造福马拉松 -年度最佳学生组织
  • Black Student Union, Shades of Success: 校友 of Color Supporting Students of Color -年度最佳学生组织项目

The Student Organization Advisor of the Year Award was presented to advisors for their guidance 和 support in fostering organizational growth 和 individual leadership development:

  • 唐·布伦南,达纳·哈拉汉和巴顿·沃 ——白兰地酒造福马拉松
  • 肖恩·琼斯 -动漫俱乐部和pokemon Walk

Residence Life presented the Resident Assistant of the Year Award:

  • 约旦Polillo


  • Nusrat丝虫病
  • 天使Asomugha
  • Zena Ballan
  • 装备Breithaupt
  • Bianka班伯里
  • 科尔特斯Catalano
  • Hritika Chitambare
  • Jannat Chowdhury
  • 塞拉科尔曼
  • Naimah Dristi
  • 艾伦•法罗
  • 特蕾莎汉密尔顿
  • 亚历山大·哈特
  • Ndella Jagne
  • 本杰明·凯勒
  • Nusrat丝虫病
  • Khushi帕特尔
  • 玫瑰罗

大卫·罗森博格, 白兰地酒顾问委员会成员, was honored for his continued dedication to the 社会影响中心.

Student Affairs recognized the following students for their involvement with the Student Government Association:

  • 杰西卡·戈尔, 2023-24年总统
  • 纽约'Keh桑德斯, 2023- 2024年副总裁
  • 约旦Polillo, 2023-24秘书
  • 麦迪逊奥利, 2023-24年司库
  • 麦迪逊弗格森
  • 艾莉森耶尔克
  • Khaleelah哈姆
  • 不可思议的Ibikunle
  • 凯特琳凯萨
  • 查尔斯·卡茨
  • 坦纳克莱默
  • 菲利普拉图
  • 萨曼莎·麦高文
  • Siyam Mohiuddin
  • 安娜雅Mudigonda
  • 玫瑰罗
  • Esha Thawani
  • 奥利维亚刺
  • 托马斯Zotollo

约旦Polillo麦迪逊奥利 were inaugurated as the Student Government Association president 和 vice president for 2024-25.